Academy Etiquette 

- Bow in and out upon entering and leaving the training area.

- Keep a respectful posture/attitude in the training area.

- Classes begin and end with students lining up in descending Rank order.

- Always show respect to your Professors and Teammates. Absolutely no foul language inside the academy.

- The uniform must be clean at all times. Free of tears and shreds.

- The uniform must be worn at all times, do not take your GI/Apparel off during class.

- Clothing must be worn at all times IN THE LOBBY, please use locker room for changing.

- No shoes on the mat.

- it is mandatory to put on footwear when walking outside of the mat.

- All metal objects, jewelry, earrings, necklaces and other items should be removed during class.

- Keep fingernails and toenails short for everyone’s safety.

- Stay home and rest if you are feeling ill or suffering from any skin infections.

- No food or drink on the mat. please place your water bottles at the edge of the mat.

- leave your ego at the DOOR.

RGJC - Thank You